Whether your aim is to broaden market reach, streamline existing operations, or ensure adherence to customs regulations, our extensive team of 3,000 professionals spanning over 80 markets is equipped to assist you in realising your objectives. With Europe and North America emerging as premier destinations for expansion, and a burgeoning interest in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific region, the present juncture presents a propitious opportunity for strategic growth.
We are honoured to be part of Parker Russell International, A leading global and award-wining network of Audit, Tax, Advisory and Legal firms. Being a member of Parker Russell International network a allows us to offer our clients unparalleled support and top-tier solutions tailored to their needs.
We can advise any business that wants to expand overseas or set up operations in Italy. We also provide a wealth of experience to assist individuals with assets offshore or who spend significant
time abroad.
We give your business global coverage because we’re part of Parker Russell International, a leading global and award wining network of audit, tax, advisory and legal firms. So as well as the support of people who know you close to home, you have access to the knowledge and skills of our trusted counterparts in 63 countries. Wherever in the world your ambition takes you, our combination of expertise and empathy will help your business to meet the demands of the future.
Parker Russell International is a member of the Forum of Firms. The Forum of Firms is an association of international networks of accounting firms. The objective of the Forum of Firms is to promote consistent and high quality standards of financial and auditing practices world-wide.
Our commitment and contacts guarantee your access to trade bodies, professional firms, banks and financiers to ease entry into Italy or expansion from it.
There is no one-size-fits-all to our approach: We will always scale services to meet your international needs, adapting as your requirements change, always advising to give you opportunity, the best value and absolute peace of mind.
Key international accounting services we offer include:
- Audit and accounting Advisory
- International Tax Planning
- Advice to help non Italy domiciled individuals make the most efficient use of tax treaties and offshore tax structures.
- VAT and Duty expertise, whether supplying services between countries, importing or exporting.
- Outsourcing of all your financial functions so we become your virtual office in Italy.
- Corporate finance capabilities to help buyers and sellers with cross-border transactions.
- Ensuring the tax efficient extraction of pay and profits from another jurisdiction.
In a complex and connected world you can trust Parker Russell Italia to look after all your international needs, smoothing your financial journey.
Call our international team
If you are an overseas business looking to set up operations in Italy, an Italy-based business seeking to expand overseas, or an individual who spends time or has assets offshore, we have the expertise to help you. For more information about our range of accountancy and business advisory service contact Alberto Ottobrini, Partner, on alberto.ottobrini@studiocosmai.it